Current and prospective homeowners should research options to reduce premium and deductibles such as buying homes with masonry construction, a hip roof, impact glass, storm shutters and homes that have had a 4 point inspection. A 4 point inspection is a great way to determine a homes condition roofing, wiring, plumbing and HVAC system. Most companies in coastal areas use a percentage of the dwelling coverage as the deductible for wind, hail and named storms. Typically, the percentages range from 2-5% deductibles for wind and named storms so a $200,000 home could have a deductible of $4000 (2%) on the low end and $10,000 (5%) on the high end for these types of claims. With the right updates and materials, homeowners can not only save money on insurance but can often help reduce deductibles, especially on wind and named storms while also preventing future losses that can and do happen in high risk coastal areas.
It is vital to have the proper coverage to insure your coastal home since the higher risk does lead to more claims over time, often with higher severity's as well. While living in coastal areas can be beautiful, it can have unique risks that make it more costly. It is an absolute necessity to find an insurance agency with many options and experience in the complexities of coastal policies as well as the insurance company requirements for proper coverage.