Need High Risk Homeowners Insurance?

Get Better Coverage At A Better Rate.

We want to help you get better High Risk homeowners insurance coverage at a better rate. Knowing what you need and having the proper policy can mean a world of difference should you ever need to file a claim for your home. Let us help!

Homeowners Insurance that meets needs – Not Quotas

 Having A Hard Time Getting Homeowners Insurance Coverage At An Acceptable Rate, Or At All?

On occasion, homeowners may find themselves classified as high risk Homeowners insurance customers for a variety of reasons. 

This classification can result in higher premiums or substandard coverage if consumers do not find an agent with the right resources to find them a quality policy, both in coverage and price. 

The most frequent reasons for the classification are a lapse in coverage, claims history, home age, poor credit and even geographical area such as coastal or very rural locations. Insurance companies and agencies can and will refuse to insure or non-renew your homeowners insurance policy. Most of the time consumers that are classified as higher risk are that way due to reasons beyond their control.
High risk homeowners insurance is not something most homeowners ever expect to need. A few reasons your home could find itself as a high risk. 
Condition and age of your home and claims history. 
You live in an area prone to catastrophic losses. 
Living in a flood plain or on an earthquake fault. 
Living in a high crime area. 

Trouble getting coverage or paying higher rates? Want a real solution?Let us help!

Consumers are accustomed to having trouble getting coverage or paying higher rates if they have a lapse in auto insurance but this method of determining risk is becoming more and more common in the property insurance market. Many companies will refuse to insure a house that has more than 2 claims in the last 5 years, often regardless of whether the claim is weather related and even if the company paid out no money for the claims filed. 
Certain losses can cause you to be high risk even for just one claim. Many companies will not write a home policy for houses that were build before 1925 and in some cases before 1945.

The use of credit scoring in both rating and eligibility for homeowners insurance has become more prevalent over the last 15 years. Consumers are often shocked to find that despite never filing a claim or being late on an insurance payment, coverage may be unavailable or unaffordable due to poor or even average credit. While living in wildfire areas and on the coast is a risk that most people assume will affect their homeowners insurance, many are not aware that high crime areas are deemed high risk by homeowners insurance companies. We, at will give you a free quote to get a affordable high risk homeowners insurance.


High Risk Homeowners Insurance

Every homeowner should have insurance to protect their home. Buying High Risk Homeowners Insurance far less expensive than the repair and loss of the home and contents.
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High Value Insurance

Knowing what you need and having the proper policy can mean a world of difference should you ever need to file a claim for your home. Educate yourself on what it means to insure a high-value home.
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Coastal Insurance

Educating yourself on the requirements of your mortgage company and shopping around for the best rates will work in your favor. Enjoy the process but remember to do your research. 
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Fair Plan Alternative

All FAIR Plans consumers are urged to try to find coverage in the private market. We can help you find an agent that can help you find alternatives to the FAIR Plan.
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Knowing why you could be dropped is important but knowing what to do when it happens is vital.

If you are dropped or denied coverage you are entitled to a CLUE Report. A CLUE Report, or Comprehensive Loss Underwriting Exchange is a list of all claims filed and can be a valuable tool in determining the steps to take, and when they can be taken in order to find a way out of the high risk classification. In some states, a state pool of sorts called a FAIR Plan can be a source for relief. 

 The FAIR Plan, or Fair Access to Insurance Requirements, is often more expensive and has more restrictive coverage than a policy in the private market but can be a stepping stone on the way out of high risk. In most situations though, finding an agent with the right resources and experience will help consumers find a private market alternative with a higher level of coverage at an affordable price.


"I would highly recommend this company to anyone! Great service, very knowledgable, diligent and understanding. I was given such relief when talking to Michael. He definitely made me feel better about my sticky situation with his reassurance."
"I was in desperate need of insurance in a short notice of time. I received great customer service and was issued an excellent policy, all within 1 business day! Fantastic work guys!"

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